Training Resources
Online Media Campus Webinars

Online Media Campus provides high-quality webinars that help media professionals develop new job skills without leaving their offices.  With at least two new webinars  a month and archived webinars avaible, Online Media Campus offers many resources to journalists  and gives you the opportunity to participate at any time. 

As a member of NCPA, you can take the trainings for free. Email Katie for the code:


For archived trainings, visit

Poynter News University

Poynter offers news, trainings, guidance on ethics & leadership, fact-checking, and media literacy resources to journalists. Explore 100+ interactive journalism courses and join the international community of 150,000+ professionals, educators and students. 

Subscribe to Poynter's Weekly Training Digest, which contains the newest and most relevant professional development opportunities- including journalism industry job postings and panels. 

NCPA members can also receive custom training on a variety of topics that include ethics and leadership, craft of journalism, power and sexual harrassment, and race and equity. 


North Carolina Humanities

Each year North Carolina Humanities connects hundreds of North Carolinians through a combination of signature programs, grants, and partnerships.

The programs, which are available and offered statewide, are designed to bring North Carolinians together to have shared experiences around the humanities and dialogue amongst themselves. The grants are designed to solicit and respond to local needs and interests. 

The resulting conversations foster understanding and deepen human connections that can strengthen our statewide community. 

Check out the programs, grants, and resources here. 

Local News Lab

The Local News Lab is dedicated to creative experiments in journalism sustainability. We believe the future of local news depends on creating new kinds of collaboration between journalists, newsrooms, and communities. The lab is a project of Democracy fund. 

See the latest from the Lab. 

Better News

Better News is a project of the American Press Institute and the Knight-Lenfest Newsroom Initiative, funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

It is designed to serve three purposes: (1) to collect, curate and operate as a central repository of best practices in the craft of journalism and the challenge of journalism sustainability; (2) to provide strategic guidance on the most important issues facing news organizations, particularly local, regional and metropolitan newspapers; and (3) to share important lessons from participants of the Knight-Lenfest Newsroom Initiative.

There’s no shortage of reporting out there — much of it excellent — on the craft of journalism and the challenge of journalism sustainability. And you can learn a great deal from such reporting: Tips, tools, and tactics to make better products, grow audience, generate revenue, or tell better stories. But there are two problems we hear from folks in the news business: (1) Unless you’re actively looking (and even if you are), great resources can be difficult to find. And more importantly (2) without strategic framework, these tips become noise — more things to try, more random and uncoordinated “stuff.”

Subscribe to the Better News newsletter to stay up to date with fresh resources, insights, and case studies. 

Initiate regular conversations with news sources One of my greatest satisfactions sitting behind the editor’s desk was appreciating the newspaper had a pulse of the community. Credit extended beyond the newsroom; all employees served as our …
Carefully screen columns by public officials How will the Legislature deal with a record budget surplus, and what will it mean for taxpayer pocketbooks? Are there implications for public safety with the proposal to legalize marijuana? Which …
Sustaining Rural Journalism Feb 2023 This month’s column is mainly from someone else, because it illustrates a serious problem facing rural newspapers: How do they manage increasingly contentious public discourse and still …
Disaster Checklist for Newspapers   As we’ve learned from recent hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters, your newspaper has a unique and important responsibility to the community and must …
YAWN: Tiresome Newspaper Arguments It's been more than two years since I received my last paycheck from a newspaper company. In that time, I've had the opportunity to advocate for local newspapers that remain Relevant to their …
Into the Issues This column is titled “Into the Issues” because it began as an effort to help community newspapers explore issues that affected their communities, sometimes from afar. It has evolved to …
Coffee, televisions and response advertising Karine, who once participated in a Zoom meeting with me, told a story about the impact of response advertising. A few days earlier, she had seen a billboard that caught her attention. It featured a …
Avoid jumping to conclusions There’s a story going around about a new CEO who was on a tour of one of the company’s facilities. As he was talking to the assembled group, he noticed a young fellow leaning against the …
Following through is the thing to do Want to see something funny? Just watch me trying to hit a golf ball out of a sand trap. You’ve never before seen such an ugly, unathletic, uncoordinated golf swing. The Scottish pioneers of …
Typefaces to toss! Some typefaces are just downright strange. Like Curlz. I just can’t bring myself to believe that someone was serious about designing that one.
Google plans ad-blocking feature for Chrome browser Alphabet Inc.’s Google is planning to introduce an ad-blocking feature in the mobile and desktop versions of its popular Chrome web browser, according to people familiar with the …
25 rules for good design I’m always amused—and a bit disappointed—when someone tells me “I just love breaking the rules” of design. More often than not, that person isn’t breaking any …
Legal Resources
NCPA Editors: sign up today for legislative tracking The 2025 Legislative Session is here. Are you prepared to cover all the action? NCPA can help you track all the legislation important to your community.   Legislative tracking, …
Appeals Court rejects open-meetings lawsuit over Pinehurst officials’ email The North Carolina Court of Appeals has rejected a lawsuit alleging that Pinehurst officials broke the state’s open-meetings law in 2021 by conducting business via email. Major state media …
Ashley Fox joins Stevens Martin Vaughn & Tadych; NCPA legal hotline A native of North Carolina, Ashley Fox joined Stevens Martin Vaughn & Tadych PLLC as an associate attorney in June 2024. Immediately prior to joining SMVT, Ashley was a legal fellow at the …

 Know your rights. Know your NC Media Law. Click below to view the online resource the professionals use; the NC Media Law Handbook. Continuous updates make this the most valuable legal resource for reporters, editors, and practioners.
Open Government Guides
Open Meetings for Local Government
NC Open Government Guide
Public Records in North Carolina
Legal Fine Print

 A legal guide for newspaper advertising

A North Carolina Media Law Primer