Public Notices
70 results total, viewing 61 - 70
Please contact your senate delegation to oppose this bill as amended. Key Points: - HB 205 as amended by in the Senate Commerce Committee would for the first time require NC newspaper … more
RALEIGH -- Friends and readers -- lawmakers here in Raleigh are taking a swipe at your local newspaper. Last week, Sen. Trudy Wade, R-Guilford, won committee approval for a bill that would let … more
The Hendersonville Lightning ran legal advertisements six times notifying the public of the sale of county-owned property on Sixth Avenue. Two bidders raised the price by $114,000 over three … more
Let’s begin with a quiz. 1. What do legal notices posted in North Carolina newspapers have to do with North Carolina teacher supplements? 2. When was the last time you visited Watauga … more
SALISBURY — Dueling bills in the state legislature could affect the way you view an array of public notices, such as tax liens. Newspapers and local government websites would compete for dollars … more
Every year or two some legislators in the state General Assembly file bills that would make it more difficult for citizens to find legal notices. Now three state senators have introduced Senate Bill … more
A how-to for NCPA members uploading notices to Read this story for info and videos on the upload process. more
Calling it a matter of the public’s right know, North Carolina newspaper publishers are pushing back against a bill that would let governments and attorneys stop publishing public and legal notices … more
A Times editorial Some North Carolina lawmakers want local governments to compete with newspapers and sell legal advertising, making important information more difficult to find. Sen. Trudy … more
Contrary to Senator Wade's claims in her recent press release, her bill to change the legal advertising law is not supported by the NCPA. more
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