This will be an election like no other as the Covid crisis has forced us into remote work stations and candidates into dramatically different campaign strategies. But that is just where the opportunity is for you as your impressive portfolio of products offer these candidates and campaigns a variety of ways to reach the people who will determine elections around the country. Not just the headline-grabbing presidential election, but all the other races as well, including the local elections for sheriff, school board, town council, governors, state legislators – all the offices in your backyard where your newspaper has the most influence.
Now is the time to step up the sales effort so you are in a position to cash the checks as E-Day draws closer.
Working together we can make this your biggest political revenue year ever and the time to start making that happen is now.
Thanks and let us know how you’re doing. Good selling. jk
John Kimball
The John Kimball Group
83 Harpers Mill Way
Lovettsville, VA 20180
703-282-1311 (mobile)