Please contact your senate delegation to oppose this bill as amended.
Key Points:
- HB 205 as amended by in the Senate Commerce Committee would for the first time require NC newspaper publishers to provide worker's compensation insurance coverage and pay unemployment insurance tax for newspaper carriers who have been properly presumed to be independent contractors by NC state statute for two decades.
- The amended version of HB 205 threatens to kill jobs. The livelihood of newspaper carriers, who deliver papers as a second or third income, may be eliminated by many newspaper publishers simply unable to afford the burdens imposed by HB 205 to retain the services of their historically classified independent contractor-carriers.
Please urge your senator to vote against this bill.
Second Reading Roll Call
ROLL CALL (1 Votes)
Legislative Session Day 74 (06-01-2017)
243 HB 205 WC for Inmates/UI & WC/Newsprint Employees.
Sponsor: McNeill
Second Reading Outcome: PASS
Time: Jun 1 2017 12:24PM
Total Votes: 45 Ayes: 32 Noes: 13 Not: 0 Exc. Absent: 5 Exc. Vote: 0
Democrat Republican
Ayes: Senator(s): Chaudhuri; Clark; D. Davis Senator(s): Alexander; Barefoot; Barringer; Berger; Bishop; Britt; Brock; Brown; Cook; Curtis; Daniel; J. Davis; Edwards; Gunn; Harrington; Hise; B. Jackson; Lee; McInnis; Meredith; Newton; Pate; Rabin; Rabon; Tarte; Tillman; Tucker; Wade; Wells
Noes: Senator(s): Blue; Bryant; Foushee; J. Jackson; McKissick; Smith-Ingram; Waddell; Woodard Senator(s): Dunn; Horner; Krawiec; Randleman; Sanderson
Exc. Absence: Senator(s): Ford; Lowe; Robinson; Van Duyn Senator(s): Ballard